Module #9 Resolution
After several months of waiting for the NTSB to hear my appeal, a pre-hearing zoom conference was scheduled for January 19, 2023. Shortly before this, the FAA lawyer contacted me through email stating that the administrative law judge would be asking if we were attempting to negotiate a settlement and was I open for a discussion. I said that I was but doubted the FSDO would negotiate in good faith based upon their actions so far, specifically those made by my supervising inspector, and station manager, citing as an example; In the releasable portion of the Examiners Investigative Report (EIR), how at least 6 false statements were made along with several more misleading ones. Then several more regarding the initial conference call with Milwaukee FSDO 5 days after the accident. Essentially a 45' interrogation by the station manager with the assistant manager, accusing inspector and others listening in, then claiming things I never said or did, which was used as basis for termination...