#7-Designated Pilot Examiner - Rescinded 03-03-21
I became a Designated Pilot Examiner circa 1984 in order to better serve our customers and offer a more reasonable evaluation than I believed possible at that time, plus it seemed the logical extension of my duties as Chief Instructor where I trained just as many pilots as I tested. Although I felt totally at ease with my ability to fairly critique the flying skills of others, I was keenly aware of the long term responsibility associated with certificating each pilot. More so than most I suppose because there were many times when I lost friends, co-workers, business associates, acquaintances, and former students; at least 25-30 people. Although none of these was a result of my instruction methods or testing there were valuable lessons to be learned from their misfortune and so I altered my teaching to prevent others from having similar accidents. Considering that only one of these accidents was mechanical failure (wing separation), the rest were pilot mistakes, and therefore preventabl...